Effective December 1, 2009, the NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC) was designated as the Finance Office for inquiries on all Letters of Credit. Department of Health and Human Services Payment Management System (PMS) will remain the designated billing office for all payments.
If you have any further questions, please contact the NSSC at 1-877-NSSC123 (1-877-677-2123)
or by email at:
NASA Shared Service Center
Customer Contact Center
Web: http://www.nssc.nasa.gov/contactus
Fax: 1-866-779-6772
NASA has implemented an early cut-off for drawdowns each month. All NASA payment requests must be requested in the Payment Management System on the 26th* of each month by 3:30 p.m. US Eastern Time. If the 26th of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday or federal holiday, payment requests must be made on the preceding workday. The Payment Management System will re-open for NASA drawdowns on the first business day of each month. For questions, please contact your NASA Center Point of Contact or your PMS Liaison Accountant.
Cutoff Dates for FY 2024:
Cutoff Dates for FY 2025:
A system error in the HHS Payment Management System (PMS) delayed the availability of the Federal Financial Report (FFR) module for NASA recipients. That error has been corrected and the FFR reporting module is available. To access your FFR reporting module, you must do the following:
To acknowledge the system outage and to ensure that NASA recipients have the full 30 day reporting period, FFRs for the 6-month reporting period ending March 31, 2024 must be submitted in the PMS system by 11:59pm EDT on May 22, 2024.
For more information on NASA’s FFR submission requirements, please see Grant Information Circular 23-06 HERE. PMS can be accessed at https://pms.psc.gov/, and training on the FFR submission process can be found HERE.
For information about your PMS account, please reach out to PMSSupport@psc.gov
For information about NASAs FFR policy, please reach out to hq-dl-grants-policy-compliance@mail.nasa.gov